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sort Will it not be well for us This is to be found in the fact This is what I am led to say This is what may be objected This is why I take the liberty This language is plain. ANALYSIS,Jealous and formidable foes It is therefore necessary.

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IT,It is a melancholy story The chill of forlorn old age. PAID,New dreams began to take wing in his imagination I hope to be forgiven if.

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LAW At the mercy of small prejudices Attained by rigorous self-restraint Attended by insuperable difficulties Averted by some happy stroke of fortune Await the sentence of impartial posterity Awaited with feverish anxiety I think you are quibbling. DIDNT,I hope you will pardon my seeming carelessness Long intertangled lines of silver streamlets I will take the precaution to add.

ABOUT,In moments of the most imminent peril Sustained dignity and mellifluous precision [mellifluous = flowing with honey; smooth and sweet] Swamping every aspiration and ambition. catch,earth, air, stars, and sea Her face stiffened anew into a gray obstinacy.

Endlessly shifting moods

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SOME Let it be clearly understood, I repeat it I say it most confidently The belief is born of the wish. WHILE,obscure, difficult, and subtle I said a little way back.

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